Friday, May 14, 2010


One would think that the main problem of having a steel boat in salt water would be that the boat rusts but in actuality it’s the stainless steel that does all of the rusting! About once a month we have to take 2 to 3 hours and apply acid to the “stainless” to get rid of the rust. I keep a pair of heavy black rubber gloves for this job. We use “on/off” (a concentrated acid product) that we bought at West Marine and buckets and buckets of fresh water. I do the acid work and Anna does the rinse. Buy the time that we are ½ way through the project, my cloth has been eaten up by the acid and I have to get a new one. In some places I have to use a “green pad” to help me scrub the rust off. Because the days are now into the upper 80’s these types of projects get started right after breakfast while it’s still relatively cool. It’s hard work but the Goose sure looks good afterwards.


  1. We use a polishing compound. Saves on the fresh water rinse, seems to last a bit longer, the gloves and the cloth from the acid.

  2. Lew says that he then applies a wax, and that helps for keeping it looking good longer!
