Monday, January 4, 2010


Whether you live up north or in the south the weather really doesn’t affect you very much. When there happens to be rain or snow most of us tend to stay in their house or if you have to go somewhere you move into your car and enjoy a dry, warm ride to your destination. When you live on a boat the weather becomes a part of your daily life and it sets the rhythm of your day. Sunshine brings out the best in us as you can see, it is 49 Deg and Anna is out picking up trash on the island. Whereas, a cold blustery day (rain or not) makes your hibernation instincts kick in and all projects or destinations get put on a hold. Only the dog’s needs end up driving you out into the dingy and rowing her over to land.

Today, we had planned to go across the bay and take the State Park shuttle to the gulf coast to do a bit of shelling. The weather though, has changed our mind. It has turned cold and gray (50 Deg) with a steady 15 kt north wind. The wind is going to turn in another two days and place us on a lee shore with a lot of water in front of us (meaning big waves). Our big project today was using the dingy to sound out the bottom so that we could move to a deeper area a little bit closer to shore. Even this had to be done with long underwear, two coats and a stocking hat!


  1. if you think it is cold there, you need to come back to Decatur, any water is starting to ice up.
    what are those buildings to your west on the east side of the island, how do they get power?

  2. The buildings to the west of us are on the island. The main group belongs to the State Park but the island also has several private homes. Edie and I went into the little lagoon just to the west of us and walked a trail thru the mangroves to a home. From the water, you would never know was there except for the dock and the overgrown trail. As for power, There are underwater cables that serve many of the islands around here but I don't see any that go to the State Park island so I would imagine generators or new cables that are not on this chart.

  3. Make sure to stop at Everglades City, if you get the chance. Also Little Shark River. Both are well worth it!
