Sunday, November 20, 2011

Last coat

You all are probably sick and tired of checking this site and finding more work projects… well, so am I. The good news is that the project list is finally coming to an end. The green gets its last coat of paint today and the bottom gets its paint job too. All that’s left is to pre-paint the name on the backside. Then we are taking a vacation and going home for turkey day. While there, we’ll close on the house and take care of other business before heading back to the boat. With luck, we should have the Goose back in the water by the first week of Dec and heading south soon afterwards. It’s been a long, long stretch of work here at Deaton Marine but the results have been rewarding both in the financial sense and in the great friendships that we have made here at the marina. One of the hardest things as the months have piled up was to watch as new friends finished up on their own boat projects and head south. Soon, we hope to be joining them too.

the final product, she sure looks good!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Dad! It looks like a darker green than what you had before?
