Saturday, January 11, 2014

Seagull wars

The local seagulls have taken up residency on the top of my main mast. Yes, those beautiful, laughing gulls… those forever defecating, worthless, mess making gulls. I have retaliated by “snapping” the rigging wires which scares the gulls off the top of the mast for a few minutes. The war increased when, as I was climbing the mast, one of the buggers unloaded a bomb on top of me! How RUDE! I have taken the war to their home base by installing spikes on top of the mast! Now their in for a sore foot if they try to land. The winner….. Rich!


  1. ok now, I know this was a quick fix, but looks like 8p common nails. don't want to hear any complaints about the rust staining the top of the mast!!
    Need up date on Anna Pearl, I am still dealing with a hospital stay for pneumenia

  2. Danny, you are one smart cookie, they are reg. nails and they have started to rust,,,Damn
