Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Coconut challenge

Then came the big day, the “coconut challenge” when they dumped 600 coconuts into the bay and your team (4 people per dinghy) had to paddle a dinghy without using any paddles, out to the coconuts and gather as many as possible. Oh, you are encouraged to bring a bucket along to defend yourself from other from other dinghies. Costumes were required (I think). What fun!

First came the teams!!! The French Team!
The girls showing off their coconuts

Of course, everyone had to where lifesavers, They just didn't say where...
Then they had to empty the bags of coconuts into the bay.
OFF the teams go!!!!!!
It was a mad scramble for the floating nuts!
Lots of coconuts were recovered.

The day went on to several more tests of skill and the winners received a bottle of rum as their prize!

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