Sunday, January 31, 2010


Can you think of anything more foolish than working hard and carefully to prepare a wood surface, meticulously clean it and varnish it (6 times in a row) then, in 6 months, take a piece of sand paper to your masterpiece and scratch it all up? Well, that becomes your life when you have varnish on your boat. The real killer is that to gain any real type of protection for the wood you have to build up more than 6 coats of varnish! Here in the south we have to put on a refresher coat every 6 months since the sun is more intense down here. The Snow Goose has acres of varnish and at times I feel like Sisyphus who had to push the boulder up a hill everyday just to have it roll down again at night. So, my advice to you if you’re coming south…..Paint it!


  1. Well,I noticed the sunshine and the lack of cold weather gear so........
    Besides when you are all done it looks real good
    and you have something to look forward to while
    relaxing in the hammack hung between the masts!
    Whats status on the refrig equip?

  2. We hope to wrder the new fridge today. Oh, and no sunshine just lots of rain.

  3. I see that you are an experienced man with a brush...
